Captain’s Log #3: Pre-Production GO!


Week 2 is over! We pitched our story ideas for the meeting. Spider Ring, Dreams and 2359, and have decided to go with 2359 since it has overall the better idea and potential for project. It is a relief that our team has already solidified the gist of the story, so we don’t have to rummage our brain for more ideas anymore, thank lord.

What does this mean for us now? TIME TO START PRE-PRODUCTION PHASE 2! We already decided who’s going to work on what. Dana is going start polishing up the character designs, while i work on the storyboard. Natasha will then start modelling out the 3D assets, since she is skilled in that area. I also polished up and edited the script a little, so the story flows better and also adding a bit more subtext to the story, not only for the viewer’s understanding, but for us as well.

There isn’t much to update on the project, but oh man, there is a lot to work on. Not counting this project, i also have other modules to work on and why are they so hard XDDD

Well that’s it for me! More studio-based posts will be uploaded on where our studio posts updates weekly. It is much more professional than what i am doing right now, so hahahahaha. Alright, this was Captain Joobie speaking, im out.

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