Captain’s Log #6: Time to Animat-ic


Week 5, I wanna dieeeeeeeeee

It’s another week of work, how fun. I am getting more and more pessimistic as the weeks progresses, but it’s a normal part of the process, right?

Moving on from last week, I am tasked to work on the animatic and sound design. 3.5 pages of storyboards, a 1 minute animatic, all by myself. That’s killer, in my opinion. I am not a great artist and I am not a fast one either, so I was really worried as to how the animatic will look. But thank fully Natasha offered to do the second page so a bit of that burden is now off my shoulders. YEEET!

I haven’t done that much for the animatic but so this is what I have done:

It’s simple shading and I wasn’t sure how the boy would have looked just yet when I was working on the animatic, so thus there will be a bit of slightly different look to the actual animation.

The last two panels took the longest since the audience would be able to see the entirety of the room, so I had to make sure I got the details right.

It’s hard to get so much work done with so many classes but somehow I am managing. Am I doing good? That’s definitely debatable.

Well, back to doing even more work I guess…..Bye…Your Captain signing out…

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