Captain’s Log #8: Rush Hour


Week 7 is already over! Oh my gahhhhhh

As if the week can’t get any worse, I have to redo most of my work from Week 2 till now. It’s honestly a shame. And the worst part is that the new animatic and storyboard are due this week (Week 8). AHHHHHHHH Not to mention I have two common tests this week and I have to study for both of them. Well, as of the time of writing this, I have one test left but still the pile of work to do is immense.

I am actually finished with the storyboards, which you can view below:

The previous storyboard was actually quite different from the original, which I don’t even know how or why. HOW DID WE DERAIL FROM THE SCRIPT XDDDDDD

But I tried to follow as closely to the script as possible and implement cool shots for the animation. 6 pages seems a lot but most of the shots are quite fast, but if it can’t fit in 1 minute, I will probably have to remove some, or change it on the fly. We don’t have much time so.

I’ll continue working on the animatic and pray for the best. A lot to do today so pray for me TT This is your captain signing out, bye bye.

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