Captain’s Log #9: THEY SAID YES


Week 8 of Pre-production for the animation.

After countless nights of all-nighters and incessant head bangs on the table and existential crying, I finally completed the animatic. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

To be honest, I finished editing the first draft the night before the submission and I almost let out a big sigh of relief and fell back on my chair. Even if the editing was a bit shoddy, I was just glad I was done with the overall idea for the film. The next morning, right before the class, I polished up the editing, cuts and sound design for the animatic before submission. So for now, this is my magnum opus and one of the most exhausting things I have ever done. Please enjoy the animatic for 2359.

I will be working on the POC for the project so pray for my sanity and my sleep, cos im going to lose lots of it…again. Dear god, at least let me sleep in heaven thanks. This is your Captain signing off! Bye!

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