Captain’s Log #11: SPEED SPEED PANIC


Week 11 of Pre-production (or is it production already?)

Over the past 2 weeks of break, I have working on animation tests for the Proof of Concept for our animation. I accidentally spent a bit too much time working on the pen drop animation, and I neglected the other animation that I was supposed to work on, because I tot it was working on the POC fully by myself, since Dana hadn’t finish her colour scripts, and Natasha was working on the environment layout.

But then I quickly whipped up some animation keyframes and in-betweens to send to Dana for outlining, so she can send them back for me to colour.

So these are some of the animation test and keyframes that I did for the POC video.

Not gonna lie, I am a bit worried about the slow work pace we have because I am not a very quick worker, so im worried that I will slow the team down, and with the team being slightly behind schedule, it is not looking too good.

*sweats* and POC is due next week too. Not a lot of time so, I gotta hurry and polish up the animation and colour too.

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