Captain’s Log #12: THE POC RUSH


Week 12 of Production. POC is due this week, and oh boy guess I’m not getting sleep.

Because Dana was working on the colour scripts for the animation for the past few weeks, she didn’t have a lot of time working on the line art of the animation, so she pretty much did it in the past week, and I had to do a bunch of colouring, with some more animations to work on. *sweats*

A lot to work on in one week and I had to rush some work to make sure that the POC looks, at the very least, decent.

So here is the POC! Hope you like it! It’s a mash with the animatic, so the film looks cohesive.

I am continuing to work on the animation for the film as a whole, so I’m starting from the first shot. Thankfully, Dana is working on the line art of the animation, because I tried doing it, and my hands are so shaky XD

Welp, see yall next week for more! Captain signing off!

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