Captain’s Log #16: Good News???

logs, school

Week 16 of Production for the 1080 Studios, oh boy oh boy.

Our deadline is getting close and i am freaking out!!! So much stuff to do. The assignments for the other classes are also due next week, and I’m only 3/4 way done with them. But with the bad comes the good as well. I finished one class module, so now i have slightly more time to work the animation for CPD! Oh yas! And since the assignment for the other classes are coming due soon, that would mean that the modules are coming to their end soon and our schedules would be even more cleared for us to work on the production even more!

YAYYYYYYYYYY (kinda cos we still have to do work but at least we don’t have to juggle 5 modules at the same time).

This week, i didn’t really work too much on the animation, i gotta be honest. I know! I feel a bit guilty, but i had to place priority on other classes a little bit first. But i still did a little bit of work, and that is the eye animation for the second scene of the animation!

It was a quick animation, just some simple frames and it was good to go, though Dana had to change the shape of the eye cos it didn’t really match with the original design of the character. I just followed what i drew in the storyboard. Then i also coloured and edited the new animation in the animatic! Which you can check out on our studio blog at .

I am really hoping we are to finish this animation quickly, maybe a few days before the deadline so we don’t have to fret too much about submitting an incomplete animation, with missing colours or animations. That would be a nightmare.

Anyways, this is your Captain logging off and i’ll tell you more about what happens in the next week! Bye bye!!!

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