Captain’s Log #3: Pre-Production GO!


Week 2 is over! We pitched our story ideas for the meeting. Spider Ring, Dreams and 2359, and have decided to go with 2359 since it has overall the better idea and potential for project. It is a relief that our team has already solidified the gist of the story, so we don’t have to rummage our brain for more ideas anymore, thank lord.

What does this mean for us now? TIME TO START PRE-PRODUCTION PHASE 2! We already decided who’s going to work on what. Dana is going start polishing up the character designs, while i work on the storyboard. Natasha will then start modelling out the 3D assets, since she is skilled in that area. I also polished up and edited the script a little, so the story flows better and also adding a bit more subtext to the story, not only for the viewer’s understanding, but for us as well.

There isn’t much to update on the project, but oh man, there is a lot to work on. Not counting this project, i also have other modules to work on and why are they so hard XDDD

Well that’s it for me! More studio-based posts will be uploaded on where our studio posts updates weekly. It is much more professional than what i am doing right now, so hahahahaha. Alright, this was Captain Joobie speaking, im out.



Captain’s log number 2. A few days before the scheduled ‘elevator pitch meeting’.

My team so far have just been finishing up the last of our ideas and writing for the deliverables. We got the slides down already and we are currently polishing up on the words and making everything look more neat and professional. Dana also completed the logo of our team and it looks really really cool.

courtesy of 1080 studios

Simple and minimalistic and much professional.

I’m not sure when the animation of the logo is required but once the slides are done, I should probably start working on it.

I was tasked with working on the deliverables on one of our story ideas. In my opinion, the story sounds very confusing and a bit plot-holey (not an actual word), but at this point I’m just doing it for the sake of doing it. I much prefer the story of the boy finishing up his late assignment as it is the most cohesive and interesting one out of all them. But you gotta do what you gotta do, and I’m going to finish it.

I have finished the rough designs for the characters and the set as seen below:

Just really rough sketches to give an idea of what the characters and locations will look like.

I’m just hoping we can get through with the pitch and start working on the actual project. Wait, no, actually no. I forgot we have other modules too. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Life is hard.




As much as I appreciate animation, let’s just say I am not the best at it. So not going to lie I am worried not only for myself, but my team. However I think the strength of our team is that we are hardworking and determined (apart from me probably). Today is the first day where we came together and discussed the project, and we already crafted three stories for our project. That’s the first step to success, right?

Our team name is 1080 Studios. Not sure if we are going to stylise it to ’10:80 Studios’ but either ways, it sounds really cool. And very professional too. Makes me feel a bit fancy, if you ask me *wiggles non-existent moustache*. Dana is in charge of creating the logo and I plan to make an animated version of it. Once again, not going to lie, I am feeling a bit worried but nonetheless, I’ll give it my best shot.

However, the fact that we have already nailed down the three stories and even wrote 2/3 scripts for it, and also finalised our group name all on the same day is pretty amazing to me. Either that or I have extremely low standards for myself.

Alright, first day is where we start the work. Going to update a bit more next week or something. Maybe when we finish the logo I might update the blog. But for now, this is Captain Joobie speaking. I’m going to head out. Enjoy the flight and don’t hit your head on the way out. Good night.

The Flowing City

Art, portfolio, school

For our final assignment for Drawing Foundation, we had to draw a three-point perspective cityscape of our own imagination. Let’s talk about that.

-Good Mythical Morning intro-

Let’s start off by explaining the assignment that was given to us. Firstly, we had to come up with 5 thumbnails that will help to guide us for our assignment, which is to be drawn on an A3 drawing block (A HUGE MEDIUM FOR ME). Sounds pretty simple, right? Come up with 5 thumbnails with original ideas so that life is easier for you. Well, let’s just say that’s the part where I struggled the most. I could not think of any ideas that is interesting and true to myself and would also impress the teachers, so I spent a ton of pages on my sketchbook just doing thumbnails. I used around 6 pages of paper, solely for the sake of thumbnails.

Now, how did I solve the problem, I hear you say?

One day, while thinking of said issue, I was watching one of my favourite K-Drama, Hwayugi or A Korean Odyessey. And as I was observing the surroundings in the show, I remembered in the first episode, there was the Marble Mountains. The place where Son O Gong (Monkey King) was being detained and locked in.

Hwayugi, 2018

And the interior strikes me as interesting, moody yet calming. At this point, I had an epiphany.

I will do a cityscape based on this!

The theme will be enlightenment and the path to nirvana. And there I started my journey to create a meaningful artwork that would satisfy not only myself, but also my teachers.

Final Thumbnail by Giraffe

So after many attempts (3 actually), I finally came up with this. My teacher did say, “Please shift your house to the left side and move your buddha statue to the front so it would give a more dynamic composition.’ And I’m like EEEEEEEEEEEE.

But I did, of course, listen to her when I started working on my final draft.

So after hours and hours and hours of shading, drawing, banging my head on the table, we finally have this. And oh lord I’m so proud of it!

The Flowing City by Xuan Lee, 2019

Here is my rationale for my art piece.

The cityscape is inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s teachings and a building and interior designs from the show ‘Hwayugi’. The city is located inside a giant cave with a waterfall. The reason why the city is in the cave, it is everything that is formed in caves are natural and formed without resistance ; flowing along the path of life. People should not resist and deny their path of fate and accept whatever that is coming their way. They should flow and grow like water, and allow themselves to be a part of the universe.

This place is a city of solace and repose. A city of enlightenment and purpose. It is meant for those seeking for peace and another reality to escape their problems and bring themselves back to their inner purpose. 

So far, the comments that the teachers gave me wasn’t that bad. There is definitely room for improvement (since this is my first time drawing a cityscape at such a large scale), but overall, I am very proud of what I did. Yes, I had to make some changes to the original idea (like replacing the Buddha statue with a giant Bonsai tree and shifting the waterfall to the middle).

Let’s pray that I have an A+ for this module!!!! I hope you learn something new from here! ❤